Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Announcements.

Announcements from 8/26/2009

     Just added a new website on the blogroll. It's my sister's site called SmarterMoms. It's got great advice and there should be a book coming out soon. I'd recommend it to moms from experienced to newbie.


Announcements from 8/9/2009

If you have a Facebook account you can use that sign on to add comments. Feel free to keep them anonymous, but if you want to keep track of them or see who replies, I'd recommend signing in with Facebook. As always, thanks for stopping by and leave your comments!


Announcements from 8/3/2009

Fatherade is here to help but I also need some help in return. Please email me questions or suggestions you may have for this site. Thanks for coming out!


Announcements from 7/28/2009

     Welcome (back) to the Fatherade! There are plans in the near future to set up a "real" site. Don't worry, the current link to Fatherade will still work, but soon will be here! I'm only doing this in my spare time, so give me a break. I am currently in some discussions with corporate sponsors, and, if it works well, it may pay enough for me to stay home and put more time and effort into the blog.

     Please continue to email posts to your friends who may benefit. I am in this to help fathers everywhere and welcome any questions or suggestions you may have. Thanks for coming out!


Announcements from 7/13/2009

     Blogger is still having problems with scheduled posts. Normally this wouldn't be a big deal, but I'll be out of the country for the next week, and I may not have internet access at certain times. If a post stays up more than a day, let me apologize now. As always, please leave comments and thanks for stopping bye.

Announcements from 7/4/2009

     Blogger is having issues with future dated posts showing up. All I know is "they're working on it". This means I have to go in and manually post pre-written articles. That mean they won't show up the same time everyday. I will still put up new posts everyday, but until the bug is fixed, it may be a little erratic on timing. Just check back in after noon San Diego time and the new post should be up! Thanks for your patience.

Announcements from 6/28/2009

     I am considering starting a Q&A section. If you have any questions for me, please contact me. I can't promise that all the questions will make it on the site, I will answer them at least via email. While I know I'm not an expert on fatherhood (and I'm not sure anyone can be...), I do have some resources that most people do not have. No question is taboo. That's what this site is all about, finding answers to questions no one feels like they can ask.

Announcements from 6/24/2009

     There is a new blogroll/good links post. These are some products or websites we've found useful and have either used or recommend using.

     I just got confirmation from family psychology expert Dr. Olson that he will give me an interview, or maybe a guest blog post. If you have any questions for him, please contact me.

     As always, please leave your comments! They help vitalize the blog, generate questions, and support other readers! It's vital to this community.
