Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Frazzle.

     You remember Fraggle Rock? That was a great show. Well, now I live in Frazzle Rock. It's not nearly as good a show. When Evy sleeps I try to get school work done, or maybe clean up around the house, but not much happens because I'm too tired to work. So I try to lay down and catch some zzz's, when Evy wakes up, right on cue. It's getting a little brutal and the bags under my eyes are so heavy I can feel them. So, I'm writing this post because I realize I'm behind and I hope I'll be able to write one that's a little more impacting in the next few days. But for now, I'm off to sleep!

Saturday, February 06, 2010

The Communication.

     Have you ever been walking down the street, and you see someone on the other side of a window, waving at you? You're not sure if you know them, and they're pretty far off, so you look around to see if there's anyone else around. Nope. No one. They must be waving at you! So, you start to wave back. But as you do, your feet have been carrying you closer and closer to your mystery waver. Now, you can clearly see them, and they can clearly see you. And you can clearly see a confused person on the other piece of glass...the glass. They're not waving, they're washing the window! You don't know them, you never did, and you look like a weirdo flailing your arm at some stranger as they clean. Okay, take that feeling, and experience it every few hours and you pretty much have my experience as a stay at home dad.
     Evy's cries are starting to mean specific things, but many times it's hit or miss. It's like I think she's waiving at me, but she's really just washing the proverbial window. But, I'm getting a little better at recognizing what she's doing on the other side of that window. Eventually, she'll learn how to talk, and I may not have to guess... as much. I'll tell ya though, one thing I have learned how to read pretty well, is when poop shoots right out of her diaper and up her back. Know how I know? Because I can usually feel it on my hands as it soaks through her onesie. Ya. That one I've got down solid.