Friday, September 18, 2009

The Questions.

     "I am a human. There is more to me than a due date, what sex the baby is, and what we're going to name it. It's the first three questions I get from anyone. And everyone keeps asking me if I feel okay. Do I look like I feel okay? I'm just going to get a shirt that has the due date, her gender, and a big freaking question mark where name is supposed to be. Stop it! Stop grilling me. Yes, I'm pregnant. I am fine with that. No, you can't touch my belly. And if you ask me if I'm having triplets I may very well eat you feet first so you can be conscious as long as possible and suffer the greatest. I'm pregnant, not ill. I'm may be huge, but I'm not fat. I'm pregnant. There's a big difference. And if you're a guy, your best move right now is just to act like there's nothing different about me at all. If I need help, I'll ask for it. Until then, back off, give me my space, remember that I make wide right turns, and if I drop a pen, leave it there; if I really wanted it, I probably wouldn't have dropped it in the first place. I do NOT need a "grabber" or a handicap placard. Thank you."
~Catie Croy~
     This concludes the broadcast of our public service announcement. If you have any further questions, it is recommended you do not ask pregnant woman, as certain death may ensue. Instead, redirect all queries to an older male with more experience, or find a website (like this one) where you can post questions in a safe environment. Thank you, and remember: The more pregnant a woman becomes, the more space she will least from strangers.